(I haven't blogged for a while, because I was too caught up and had little time
to tinker with fun things with computers about which I could blog).
Yesterday I switched to Breezy Badger (
Ubuntu 5.10) preview.
About my Linux distro history. I've started with Slackware as my desktop distro (this was
around Slack 2.x or 3.0, ..). Since then I've briefly touched RH, Debian, Suse and a few
others, but always kept returning to Slack, although I've preferred Debian for server setup.
I also like
GNOME; when Slackware decided to drop GNOME
support, I started looking for alternatives, and found out about Ubuntu. Being Debian and Gnome
based, I decided to give it a try (I installed Hoary Hedgehog release), and was very satisfied
(as I hear it, many ex-Slackers like Ubuntu - is there a pattern?).
After a few monts, I've learned to totally like it, and was looking forward to the next release,
primarly because I followed the GNOME development closely and saw many "exciting new and
innovative features" (as PR folks like to say). I asked around and determined to make the
upgrade when Breezy proved stable enough.
And it is. Folks, it really works! ;-) After downloading and installing ~500MB of software
packages, I half expected it to crash and burn. Due to the lack of time, I finished the
upgrade remotely, and rebooted. I expected it to not show online. It did. Then, I got home,
logged in, and almost everything worked. The only two issues were:
- GNOME icons - I had a custom theme, mixing Clearlooks with Industrial GTK+ engine. Something
screwed up during upgrade, and I ended up missing many icons. I solved the problem by removing
my custom theme (and applying the default), and then recreating the theme (you can do that
in theme preferences dialog).
- Keyboard layout - I use Croatian keyboard layout. After reinstall, US keyboard was forced
on me, and gnome-keyboard-properties dialog couldn't change it (although I did select
Croatian by default). Looking on Ubuntu forums, it seemed that precompiled keyboard definition
was wrong, or something similar (i have zero knowledge about XKB), so I tried to force update
it by manually setting keyboard layout in xorg.conf. Restart X, GNOME figured out that there
was mismatch, asked me which keyboard layout I wanted, I selected "GNOME default" (which was
set to Croatian), and voila - there's my layout. Seems like a bit of a black magic, but just
because I didn't want to investigate the thing any further. It worked ;-)
Everything else works perfectly (so far so good ... ;-). Also, I had several nice suprises.
I use
Mono, so I installed mono and MonoDevelop. I fired
MD up, selected a new Glade# project, clicked a few times in Glade interface builded, hit
F5 and ... it "just worked [TM]!"
Now, I know things are supposed to work that way, but there always seems to be some
catch. Always I had to tweak a bit more, or dig into terminal, or something. Not now; it jutst
worked. Kudos, Gnome, Ubuntu, Mono & all other devs! Keep up the great work,
and thank you for a terrific software!