Friday, June 23, 2006

En route...

... to GUADEC! This is my first time I'm going to such a conference, and I'm all excited to meet all the wonderful people that make the GNOME community, to hack, learn and have a great time.

MDK will be there, giving a lightning talk about Diva (the upcoming 0.0.3 is gonna rock!), and I hope we'll do some hacking together (after mandatory beers :-). The Collabora guys will talk about their our vision to change world into a better place, by improving IM with Telepathy project. I've been involved with Telepathy project for a few months now, and we're doing some great stuff, and the guys involved are great, and I'm really looking forward to meeting them.

These two project I'm primarily interested in, but the list of people coming, and the scheduled talks, hackatons and other events are sure sign I'll be in for some sleep deprivation ;-)

The wonders of modern technology

I'm blogging this from the train. The coupe's got a power outlet so I don't have to drain the laptop battery, and my GPRS card magically works in roaming, and I'm very pleasently surprised. I really expected some shoddy train with barely working air conditioning :)

Some points to consider:

  • GPRS really is a great stuff for mobile net connection
  • Thank God I've got roaming! The place where I'll be staying while at GUADEC has WiFi connection, but I wouldn't last till then :-)
  • My home ADSL connection speed really spoiled me
  • I'm addicted to Internet ;-)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

In the meanwhile, the underground forces...

...continue their expansion and quest for world domination.

Davorin got his hands on Ubuntu installs.

My friend Davorin works at one IT education company, and he's open to the idea of exposing his students to the world of Linux. He's agreed to hold a short (up to half an hour) presentation, showing off and explaining the basics of Linux and free software to the students who want to learn "more" than the basics of computer usage (read: Windows, Word, Internet browsing), and giving away Ubuntu installation (+ live, which is a great feature) discs to the ones who want to experiment for themselves.

At the same time, the other friend considers offering Ubuntu install discs to the people buying bare (no OS preinstalled) computers in the computer shop he works in.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Porođajne muke...

Drago mi je vidjeti da i dugogodisnji i napredn(ij)i korisnici računala bacaju oko na hrvatski prijevod, nešto što se obično smatra "uncool" za korištenje na tech-gadgetima, pa i računalima.

Stanje hrvatskog prijevoda u Ubuntuu (kao i u ostalim Linux distrama) je daleko od idealnog. Najgora stvar nije nedostatak prijevoda, nego, kako je Stjepan primjetio, vrlo niska kvaliteta pojedinih dijelova prijevoda. Mi smo u nedavnom projektu prevođenja zbog raznih razloga posvetili pažnju *novim* prijevodima (koji su, imho, dosta kvalitetni), no nažalost nismo stigli pronaći i i ispraviti sve gluposti u već postojećima.

Ovo nije pokušaj opravdavanja - svjesni smo da još puno posla treba napraviti, a i siguran sam da postoje ljudi koji su spremni prionuti i pomoći u tom poslu. No da bi cijela stvar imala smisla, potrebna nam je i (moralna) pomoć onih kojima su ti prijevodi i namjenjeni - dakle, Vas, ljudi! :-) Kad naiđete na gluposti u prijevodu, nemojte jednostavno proglasiti to Sizifovim poslom, prebaciti na engleski i nikad se više ne osvrnuti na hr_HR.

Umjesto toga, uputite svoj browser na formu za prijavu pogrešaka pri prijevodu te nam skrenite pažnju na učinjene propuste, a ako i odustanete od korištenja hrvatske inačice Linuxa, pratite i dalje s vremena na vrijeme naš rad.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Izašao Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake)

Za one koji još nisu čuli, izašao je Dapper Drake, inačica 6.06 Ubuntu Linux distribucije. Drake je dostupan u Ubuntu (sa GNOME sučeljem), Kubuntu (sa KDE sučeljem), Xubuntu (sa Xfce sučeljem), Edubuntu (za djecu, s naglaskom na edukaciju) i Server (pogodno za server) inačicama. Dapper je LTS (Long Term Support) verzija, odnosno bit će podržana u slijedećih 5 godina.

Dapper je dostupan i na hrvatskom jeziku.

Instalacijski CD je istovremeno i live, pa je sustav moguće isprobati i prije same instalacije, a image CD-a možete skinuti ovdje.